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Friday 8 August 2014

Hangover Remedies & More - The Saints Tips

People drink and as if that wasn’t bad enough, they overdo it too!!

If you don’t know what a HANGOVER is, you are a good boy/girl.  If you knew of it but have never been through one you MUST collect a character certificate from SAINT DK. 

It’s bad when you go through a HANGOVER, however its worst when you knew of it & yet are going through one yourself. That's bad, but all isn't lost. There's hope in the Saint's Hangover Remedies.

Here are SAINT DK’s tips to avoid a HANGOVER.
1.       DONT DRINK! (I have never required to bother over fighting a hangover myself)
2.       If you do drink and have been fighting over the after effects of a hangover its time YOU QUIT   (No booze = No Hangover)
3.       Keep a count on your drinks (If for some/any reason you are unable to do its time YOU QUIT)
4.       If you can’t do that either, please try & recollect the names of the friends present in your last booze party. Avoid them in future parties.... (Real friends encourage moderate drinking)

If you are trying to find a solution to the problem called HANGOVER, you are kidding yourself. Your actual problem is alcoholism mate! You know you are over doing it.

SINNER TP is filled with quirky anecdotes to recover from HANGOVERS. Perhaps it might help you suppress or recover from the recent abuse you put yourself through, but that might only encourage you to indulge more!

The Saint’s Final Take on Hangovers: Refrain, Restrain & Remain !

1 comment:

  1. Loved your final take on the subject - Restrain, Refrain and Remain. Easier said than done though !! :-)


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