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Shibu TP - The Sinner

"Chef - Cricket buff -  Current Affairs Junkie - Counselor/Professor -  Consultant  -  Connoisseur of Spirits - Crazy Comic",  are not the only adjectives starting with " C" that has been used to describe me. I admit most of them are true too, though, I would have loved to  add " Cool - Calm - Composed -Collected-Caring " etc. also. 

Unfortunately, people who know me, vehemently, agree that these actually are the antonyms!

I started my Career as a Chef, working my way through various Five Star Kitchens and specialising in number of Cuisines like European, Oriental and Japanese. After switching my job a few times, I decided, one fine day,  to switch my career, and I became an Academic!

 I became an Assistant Professor with the Hotel School of Oxford Brookes University, UK; teaching wide eyed, young, prospective hoteliers and restaurateurs, gastronomy and culinary arts. Six and half years of teaching and learning ( I picked up a couple of degrees myself, including an MBA) ; I decided to look for "greener" pastures.

I decided to follow my interest in consulting and joined one of the leading hotel and restaurant consultants in the country, as their Operational Head. My stint here helped me gain deep insights into cutting edge cuisine, concepts and creativity in food and food establishments.  So after six long and fruitful years  and some 200 odd restaurants down the line... Yes, you guessed it right... I decided to switch careers again.  This time I became and Entrepreneur!

I decided to follow my heart and started Laserbeam India, a company specialising in Hospitality Training and Restaurant Consulting. So you see I have worn several hats!

I am a passionate gourmet  and have an opinion ( mostly, a fairly radical one) on most things. I have a tendency to trivialise , apparently, socially important norms and issues. I often, find extreme glee in stepping on people's toes, rubbing them the wrong way and often puncturing inflated egos ! I have a particular allergy to people who often take a moral high-ground on social issues and preach down on lesser mortals! no wonder then, that they call me the "Sinner"

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