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Showing posts with label whey protein. Show all posts
Showing posts with label whey protein. Show all posts

Thursday 20 February 2014

The Gym Brigade - The Saint's Take !

Agreed , staying fit is a must, however i cannot comprehend the ‘bhed chaal’ of the mango man towards gym’s for this purpose.

My take on this.

Gyms prominently showcase images of body builders to appeal to the male psyche. Ask the women & they’ll tell you they just prefer ‘normal’ men who are fit. Their stress is on intellect & the more you gym the more braun you develop.

Most (middle class) gyms are in poorly ventilated basements, leading to cross infections on a high dose, since every one is perspiring & leaving behind a whole lot of biological residue through sweat, breath & saliva.

Every gym goer from day 1 is seen wasting a lot of time in front of a full sized mirror. He is either admiring himself or fantasizing about what will never be. It’s been researched & documented that not even 40% of joiners gym regularly over a year’s period.

Gyms advice the standard foods to one & all. Any doctor worth his salt will tell you that different foods react differently on different people. Brown bread & egg whites are currently in vogue. As a bakery chef I can’t get any more disgusted. For gods sake please bake a bread with ATTA at home and see its texture & color. Be careful while handling it. It may crush your toe if it falls. Hey ! how then are the commercial brown breads all so soft & so brown? Simple, they are made of just the regular maida + some bran & a lot of brown color. Yes, Brown color!!! The kinds that has its origins from something you use on a daily basis. Petroleum! So much for good health!!! 

In simple terms the local kirana man sees a sharp increase in brown bread consumption the moment a gym opens in his vicinity. Please observe that this ‘so called brown bread’ will inevitably be far more expensive than the regular loaf. Well it has to be. After all it has the gym instructors commissions incorporated into the pricing & also the marketing mans fees who concocted this nefarious scheme.

The same logic applies to the egg white story. OK! I had the whites. So what do I do with the yolks??? In an age where an egg costs a good Rs.6-8 a piece, how many can afford flushing it down. Nateeja, while you diet someone else in the house is fed the yolk. He/she goes on to bloat with the high cholesterol diet & over a few months/years hits the gym. Incremental business again. If you will care enough to google up the production of ‘unfertilized eggs’ (which most of us are forced to consume due to cost effectiveness & are actually the ones available at this price), you will be glad your body has withstood such prolonged abuse.

The best of them all however is the ‘protein shakes’ & ‘whey protein” prescriptions. As a qualified chef I find it difficult to identify food substances (on a daily basis) that are devoid of proteins. Why then do we need a 2 – 5 kg tin of some powder which we will never know what it is composed of. The best thing about them is every pharma whom you contact for this will only have large swanky tins which have a ‘made in usa’ or any other godforsaken country mentioned on it. Simply put it cannot be made in India. Its too complicated a formula to be cooked up here. Factually , you will not pay so much for an Indian product. If whey has so much protein, why not make it at home, have it and save the moolah?

Spare a moment and look around yourself. The lower strata of society neither can afford nor is bothered about whey proteins, they however seem to flaunt 6 packs if not all of 8. Bottom line, hard work wins over work-outs!

At times it takes a lifetime to understand, but a moment post realization you have changed your life altogether. 

What do you say? I am anxious to know your thoughts.

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